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Monday, March 10, 2025

Join the MTHS Teacher Leader in History program

 The Montana Historical Society (MTHS) is soliciting applications from 4-12 grade teachers interested in helping improve history education (and especially the teaching of Montana history) in their schools, districts, and regions by becoming Teacher Leaders in Montana History.

Successful applicants will demonstrate a commitment to history education, interest and experience in teaching Montana history, excellence in the classroom, experience in sharing best practices with their colleagues, and familiarity with the Montana Historical Society’s work and educational resources.

In addition to the criteria above, up to eight program fellows will be chosen to reflect Montana’s geographic and educational diversity, assuring representation from different regions and both small and large schools.

Those accepted as Teacher Leader Fellows will be brought to Billings for a half-day Teacher Leader in History Summit, followed by a two-day workshop on engaging students historical research skills, thinking historically, and analyzing primary sources. The summit will begin at noon on August 4. The workshop will end August 6 at 5 p.m. at the conclusion of which participants will be certified as Montana Historical Society Teacher Leaders in History.

What Will You Do? 

Throughout 2025-2026, this select group of Teacher Leaders in History will join current Teacher Leader Fellows to:

  • Serve as a members of the Montana Historical Society Educator Advisory Board, providing advice and classroom testing of lesson plans on an as-needed basis.
  • Work to increase the Montana Historical Society’s visibility in their schools and communities.
  • Promote Montana Historical Society resources to teachers in their region.
  • Assist teachers in their schools in finding appropriate resources/implementing lessons that reflect best practices in elementary history education.
  • Communicate with Montana Historical Society staff throughout 2025-26, documenting the outreach they have conducted.

Teacher Leader Fellows will be expected to:

  • Share Montana Historical Society Resources
    • through a formal presentation at one or more regional or statewide conferences (for which they may earn OPI Renewal Units).
    • within their own school or across their district through informal outreach and/or formal presentations.

What Will You Gain?

The biggest benefit to becoming a Teacher Leader are the relationships you'll develop with the other Teacher Leader fellows, who are doing exciting work in their classrooms and across the state. In addition, the Montana Historical Society will provide:

  • Full travel scholarships to attend the two-and-a-half-day August 2025 Summit.
  • Reimbursement for travel expenses if you are presenting at a regional or statewide conference.
  • Reimbursement to your school to pay for a substitute teacher so you can go present.
  • Ongoing support and consultation, including model PowerPoint presentations to use and adapt for presentations to fellow educators.
  • A certificate designating you as an official MTHS Teacher Leader in History.
  • A scholarship to attend the Montana History Conference in Helena, September 25-September 27 (attendance is optional).
  • Free shipping for one MTHS Hands-on History Footlocker during the 2025-26 school year.
  • Up to 18 OPI Renewal Units for attending the summer summit and workshop.


Here's what a few of the current Teacher Leaders have to say about being part of this program.

"Participating in the Teacher Leader program has been an invaluable experience. I’ve gained skills and confidence allowing my career to excel. Every year the program leaves a lasting impact on my professional growth, and I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to surround myself with dedicated educators as we work to foster success in others while shining light on the history of our state."--April Wills, Culbertson

"Being a Teacher Leader has built confidence in myself as an educator, opened up many incredible doors for me, and brought me the best friendships."--Hali Richmond, Sunburst

"I love exchanging ideas and learning from others that are as passionate about teaching history as I am. I wish I would have applied sooner!"--Vicky Nytes, Superior

"This group of dedicated, enthusiastic, and creative educational leaders not only gives you the support needed to succeed but also the energy to make it through the school year."--Chris Dantic, Terry


Only eight teachers will be selected for this special program. Apply online here. Applications are due April 7. 

Questions? Contact Martha Kohl at mkohl@mt.gov or 406-444-4740.

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