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Friday, September 20, 2024

Native Filmmaker Initiative Film Club

 The Native Filmmaker Initiative Film Club is a virtual youth education outreach program that screens a curated selection of Indigenous-made documentary films in classrooms across Montana. Following the screenings, filmmakers visit classrooms virtually for a live Q&A and discussion activities rooted in Montana's Indian Education for All Essential Understandings. Film Club discussions are led by the Big Sky Film Institute in collaboration with Montana Office of Public Instruction’s Indian Education Specialists as well as participating filmmakers to talk in-depth about the process of filmmaking.

The 2024 season of the NFI Film Club presents "Strengthening Relationships & Building Resilience," a triptych of films curated to engage Montana youth with unique and uplifting stories of Native and Indigenous individuals across the globe North America who are building strength through their communities and upholding traditional practices in the modern day. Three up-and-coming films highlight the strength of Native and Indigenous mover-and-shakers working to enrich their communities, celebrate the cultural practices they grew up in and grow in inspirational ways through.

Running October through December, each Film Club event will focus on diverse Indigenous subjects and topics. Consult the discussion guides to help adapt the Film Club activities into social studies, science, history or other areas of study. Films are available to view in advance of Film Club discussions and each classroom will receive access to discussion guides and instructions on how to join the live Q&A.

Go to the website to register your classroom to participate. Registration includes a screening link to the film with details to join a live filmmaker Q&A (below), and accompanied discussion guides. 

Pro-tip! You can also find previous years' films and discussion guides on the website which you can show in your classrooms any time!

Are you interested in more information about this program? Email the Director of Education at youth@bigskyfilmfest.org for more information, or to be added to their Youth Programs email list!

P.S. The above text is taken almost verbatim from the Film Club website. I’ll add two thoughts of my own. First, you can find previous years' films and discussion guides on the website which you can show in your classrooms at any time!. Second, every teacher I’ve talked to who has done this in past years has raved about it—so go sign up already!

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