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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Great Free PDs


Indian Education for All

Our friends at OPI are offering two different online IEFA training series this year.

First Tuesdays (starting this September 3) is Energize! IEFA Monthly Gathering: Games, Lessons, and More!

Third Tuesdays (starting September 17) is IEFA Across the Content.

You can come to one or all and earn 1 OPI Renewal Unit per session. Both series will use the same Zoom link throughout the entire school year. 

Questions? Contact Indian Education Specialist Jennifer Stadum.

National Council for Social Studies

NCSS and InquireED has a great-looking webinar series planned for fall on Thursdays. Sessions start at 2:30 mountain but they are also recorded, so if you register, you can watch the recording if you can't make it to the live session. Topics include "Division to Dialogue: Teaching Social Studies in Polarizing Times" (September 5), "Making Time for Elementary Social Studies," (September 26), and "Building a Culture of Discussion in Social Studies Classrooms" (October 24). Since this is a national training, it doesn't offer renewal units, but if you email me with a paragraph summary of your take-aways, I will happily provide you a renewal unit for any of these trainings you attend.

National History Day in Montana

Interested in trying National History Day with your students? Join MTHS Historian and National History Day in Montana Co-Coordinator Melissa Hibbard on Monday, September 9, 4 p.m.-5 p.m. to dig into this year’s annual History Day theme “Rights and Responsibilities.” Throughout 2024-25, Melissa will be offering sessions twice a month to guide educators through the History Day process.

Social Studies Second Tuesdays with the Montana Historical Society

Saving the best for last ;). We are once again offering a six-part series guaranteed to give you great strategies that you can instantly apply in your classroom. Our series kicks off on October 8 with "Teaching Current Events," led by the 2019 Montana Teacher of the Year Dylan Huisken.

P.S. If you are new to Teaching Montana History, find useful links and information here. 


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