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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Become a Mentor to a Rural Teacher

Do you remember your first-year teaching? Best case: you had a great mentor, who encouraged you, helped you navigate school politics, provided tips for classroom management, and shared lesson plans and resources. If you were were one of the lucky ones, you know how much difference that person made to your life. And if you weren't, I bet you can imagine how much easier that first year of teaching would have been. Which begs the question: Would you like to be a mentor to a first-year rural teacher? 

MentorMT is a program designed to help address Montana’s critical rural teacher shortage by providing expert mentoring for new or underprepared classroom teachers. The program offers grade-level and subject-area mentoring to build effective pedagogy and content knowledge for the mentee’s grade level and discipline. Mentees who enroll in MentorMT benefit from a vibrant professional learning community that features one-to-one mentoring from a seasoned practitioner.

They are now recruiting and training experienced Montana educators to provide mentoring, instructional guidance, and curricular support during 2024-2025. Mentors will earn $500 for completing the online training and up to $2,000 for mentoring while building new networks to combat professional inspiration and inspiring and supporting a new teacher. They will also earn 20 OPI Renewal units.

Mentor teachers need at least three years of full-time classroom teaching experience, demonstrated expertise in content and pedagogy within a grade band, and experience with and empathy toward rural education issues and concerns.


Application deadline is midnight, Wednesday May 22, 2024. Find more information about benefits and the application link here. 

Questions? Contact Jennifer Luebeck, MentorMT Director, jennifer.luebeck@montana.edu or (406) 994-5341.

P.S. Speaking of sharing expertise, don't forget to complete our survey to share your favorite lesson and/or resource (and maybe win a prize.)  

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