Merrick Parnell, who teaches high school social studies in Whitehall, wrote to say that he really appreciated my Thanksgiving post, and planned to use some of the highlighted resources. I'm pretty sure it was the link to OPI Indian Education Specialist Mike Jetty's 2019 guest post on Indian Perspectives on Thanksgiving that Merrick particularly appreciated because he went on to say that he lectured on the first Thanksgiving with a focus on the Wampanoag people and that he students learned a lot. He also graciously shared some of the teaching resources he used for this lesson, particularly podcasts and other audio. I'm sharing his list (along with his notes), below. I'm excited to listen to some of these podcasts myself! Maybe during my Thanksgiving morning walk.
Mr. Parnell's Thanksgiving Resources--Podcasts and Audio
I like to use this podcast for my students at the high school level. While listening, I have the students take notes or draw a visual representation of what’s being discussed in the show.
This is a great podcast on the tradition of the turkey from the Native perspective.
- Native News
I use this 5-minute news clip for current events all throughout the year. Its great to bring awareness to news and issues that it covers.
Thanks for sharing, Merrick!