The Boarding School Era, January 7 - March 10, 2019. 30 OPI renewal units or 2 graduate credits. Registration fee: $175 (graduate credits an additional $155.)
Read and explore books focusing on the Boarding School Era including My Name is Seepeetza, Shi-Shi-Etko, Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Experiences, and Sweetgrass Basket. This course is offered online through a Moodle platform. It is divided into weekly “modules.” It is designed for kindergarten through twelfth grade teachers.
Learn more and register here.
The History of the Flathead Reservation, January 14 - March 3, 2019. 30 OPI renewal units or 2 graduate credits. Registration fee: $175 (graduate credits an additional $155.)
This online Moodle course explores the history of the Flathead Reservation by studying the following texts:
- In the Name of the Salish & Kootenai Nation: The 1855 Hell Gate Treaty and the Origin of the Flathead Indian Reservation
- A Brief History of the Salish and Pend d’Oreille Tribes
- Salish People and the Lewis and Clark Expedition
- Coming Back Slow: The Importance of Preserving Salish Indian Culture and Language
Learn more and register here.
P.S. Best wishes for a joyful 2019.