At MEA-MFT in October, my colleague Natasha Hollenbach
offered a presentation on using digitized historic newspapers to conduct
research on World War I. She graciously agreed to share some of that
information to the list.
While she focused on World War I, you can adapt many of the
skills and strategies to other events.
Also while primarily focused on history classes, several of these ideas
could be used for English, debate, or civics classes.
The Montana Historical Society currently has 536,000 pages
of historical newspapers available online, either through Chronicling America and Montana
Newspapers. This is less than 5 percent of our overall collection but still
a useful resource for researchers
and teachers. Here’s Natasha:
The front page of the September
27, 1918, issue of the Roundup
Record is an excellent example of the types of World War I content found
in newspapers. Covering everything from
the battles at the front, deaths and promotions of local soldiers, liberty
loans, the influenza epidemic, various aspects of the draft, and even fluff
stories (in this case a photo of a French soldier having his first American
donut), newspapers like this one provide a wealth of information.
Often students complain that they don’t like history because
to them it’s just memorizing dates, people, and events. But that’s not history. History is the personal stories of how
individuals or communities created and dealt with events of their time. Below are some sample searches and suggested
techniques for moving students to a new understanding of history.
Immigrants and the War
For example, some textbook descriptions about US entry into
World War I often include discussion of German (and other) immigrants’
opposition to US entry, and these often suggest that they were more loyal to
their native country than to their adopted one.
In response, I recommend the article “Montana Boy to Fight His Father in
the Trenches," Ronan Pioneer, September 14, 1917, p.4.
Have your students write a reaction. How would it make them feel to realize that
they would be fighting a war opposite their father, brother, cousins, and/or
friends? How would that affect their
attitude on US entry? What is the impact
of the tension between personal loyalties and national allegiance? How does
this article confirm or contradict textbook views of immigrants and the war?
And why do they think the newspaper published this story? Solely as human
interest? Or was there a political agenda?
Jeannette Rankin

Below are links to a number of results.
- Columbus Commercial (Mississippi), April 8, 1917, p, 2.
- “2,000,000 Men in 2 Years.” Topeka State Journal, April 6, 1917, p, 1.
- Ward County Independent (North Dakota), April 12, 1917, p, 2
- “Most Dramatic Congress Scene in U.S. History.” Harrisburg Telegraph (Pennsylvania), April 6, 1917, p. 8.
- “Woman Votes No.” Free Trader-Journal (Illinois), April 6, 1917, p. 3.
- “By a Vote of Three Hundred Seventy-Three to Fifty The House Casts Lot With The Powers of the Entente”. Hawaiian Gazette, April 6, 1917, p. 1.
- “Dramatic Scene.” Daily Gate City and Constitution-Democrat (Iowa), April 6, 1917, p. 1.
Ask your students: Which articles do they find more
convincing? What details differ between
articles? What opinion on women’s
suffrage do you think the newspaper supports and why? How is the attitude towards the vote
different than what students have been exposed to before this (contemporary
coverage was generally much more negative than we view her vote today) and why
is it different?
If you teach English/writing, perhaps you could use these
articles to examine how word choice affects meaning and to illustrate different
writing tones. Several of these articles
clearly came from the same source but have been slightly changed. How do those
changes affect how the article’s tone?
Liberty Loans
The National History Day 2017 Themebook includes a list of ten
strategies for using digitized newspapers, including two involving
advertisements. (For the full list, see
pages 65.) Both work well for Liberty Loan advertisements. To find these ads, set the date range for
1917-1919 and search liberty loan “as
a phrase”. Even limiting the search to
Montana will return a lot of hits. Looking
through them, choose a few that are full page ads. The liberty loan ads are both fascinating and
slightly terrifying. They have this
overall feel that their motto is “give until it hurts … and then give more”.
Consider paring one of the ads with the article
that ran in the Columbia Falls Columbian,
11, 1918. The story, which talks
about volunteers going house to house collecting money, includes this line:
“while it has been estimated what each person should subscribe, there is
nothing to prevent an over-subscription, neither will the party … be told what
his allotment is, but he will be asked to subscribe for as much as he cares to,
and if the sum does not equal the figure estimated to be his share, the matter
will be taken up in a different way.” There are so many things you could talk
about with this: privacy, peer pressure,
big data and how it’s used, and official intimidation/coercion to name a few.
Lastly, instead of having the newspapers as your focus, consider
using them to supplement other materials.
If you haven’t looked at the Montana Sedition Project, you should. It
documents the 79 Montanans convicted of sedition in 1918-19. Consider having
your students conduct a simulation. Assign a different person to pairs of
students (one to argue for convicting the person and the other to argue against). Have them use the newspapers both to find out
generally what was considered sedition and how it was discussed and to see if
they can find information specifically about their person. I did a quick search for the individuals listed
on the Sedition Project’s “Selected Profiles” page and I found all but one of them
(Janet Smith) in Montana Newspapers (which seemed to have better results than
Chronicling America, but I recommend students checking both). I found the coverage of Ben Kahn particularly
compelling. Compare how they describe
what he said over these three articles.
- “STOP! LOOK AND LISTEN!” Big Timber Pioneer, May 9, 1918, p. 4.
- “Sedition Act Up To Supreme Court”. Choteau Montanan, May 9, 1919, p. 5.
- “Clemency Is Urged In Kahn Sedition Matter.” Dillon Tribune, December 17, 1920, p. 4.
Newspapers can be a fabulous resource for you and your
students so I hoped I sparked some inspiration for how you can incorporate them
into your classroom. When you do, please let us know what you did and how it worked out.
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