This blog is going on hiatus for summer break--unless something time sensitive comes along that is so good I can't bear not to share it.
If you are changing schools, please subscribe using your new address! We'd hate to lose touch.
If your travels bring you to Helena this summer, please stop in and say "hello." And of course, don't hesitate to contact me if I can help you as you prepare for your classes next fall:
Do know that there's still time to complete our annual survey and to share your favorite lesson. (Need more incentive? I'm adding a prize for the 60th respondent.)
Whether through the survey, an email, or if your vacation takes you through Helena, I look forward to hearing from you.
P.S. Missing the blog already? Browse back posts. Use the labels on the right-hand side to browse general areas (IEFA) or the search bar to search by keywords (primary sources). And if you have time this summer, take our online class, Montana History in 9 Easy Lessons, and earn from one to nine renewal units, depending on the number of sessions you complete.