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Monday, October 24, 2016

Evidence Analysis Window Frames

I'm enamored by a new primary source analysis tool--Evidence Analysis Window Frames--produced by Glenn Weibe, self-described "social studies nerd, consultant, tech guy," and author of the blog History Tech.

Here's how Glenn describes this simple, yet completely ingenious tool, which comes in K-5 and 6-12 versions:

"This Evidence Analysis Window Frame combines critical thinking with a visual, tactile activity that is great for encouraging historical thinking, developing analysis abilities, and supporting literacy skills. ...

"We often ask students to analyze evidence and to think historically. But these are skills that often need scaffolding. So we’ve printed historical thinking questions along the edges of heavy duty plastic sheets that your students place on top of photos, documents, maps, political cartoons, and other pieces of evidence. Kids then use dry erase or overhead pens to connect historical thinking questions with evidence found in the document." 
You can buy these at Glenn's shop. A classroom set of 25 costs $37.50.

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