Welcome back! I hope everyone had a good summer. The first post of the year is always business, so let's get started.
Montana History Conference Scholarships
Don’t forget: We have travel scholarships available to teachers wishing to attend the 40th Annual Montana History Conference (held this year in Sidney) September 19-21. Scholarship applications are due September 4.
- Learn more about how to apply for a scholarship.
- View the conference program.
- View the agenda for Thursday educator workshop.
New to the blog? Posts are both key word searchable and tagged by subject—so if you are trying to find that information you received several weeks ago on, say, teaching with historic photographs, one easy solution would be to search by key word.
There are a couple years’ worth of posts on this blog. While some of them are out of date (e.g., information about workshops), many of them have stood the test of time. By the numbers, here are a few of the readers’ favorites.
- Top Ten Most Important Events in Montana History (later posts show survey results)
- Teaching with Primary Sources
- Elementary teachers: A handy new guide aligns OPI's IEFA Lessons to Common Core...
- New: Montana Biography Page Designed for Young Students
- Lesson Plans on Mining and Primary Sources
Changes to the Blog
Some of the feedback I received from the survey I posted last year asked for clearer subheads and other markers to make it easier for busy teachers to decide what to read. I’m going to try to add this without completely undermining the blog's conversational style. I’m also thinking about doing shorter (and possibly more frequent) posts. Feel free to let me know what you think (all suggestions welcome).
Finally, if you have colleagues you think would enjoy this blog, please let them know about it. If they would rather subscribe to a listserv than read a blog, they can do that by emailing mkohl@mt.gov, subject line: subscribe. (the information on the blog and the listserv are the same--just two different mechanisms of delivery).