OPI is hosting remote learning sharing sessions using Zoom. There are multiple subject areas and grade levels to help accommodate K-12 educators and administrators. Check out the schedule here (and note especially the 6-12 social studies session, Tuesday at 2:00 p.m., led by former Teacher of the Year Dylan Huisken (Bonner) and Power 6-12 social studies teacher Merrick Parnell (I'll be there too). Sessions will not be recorded (but OPI is providing lists of resources mentioned). Here's how to tune in:
Meeting ID: 649 930 052
Dial by phone: 1 406 444 9999
I'm also intrigued by the sessions on "low tech," pre-K to grades 2, and the technology related one (using Google Classroom, Office 365/Teams/OneNote for Remote Teaching.)
MontanaPBS is now dedicating its daytime weekday schedule to Montana state standards-aligned educational programming provided by MontanaPBS and the Office of Public Instruction. The new 6:30am to 5:30pm weekday schedule includes specific blocks of time for pre-K through 8th grade levels and covers subjects, including English language arts, social studies, science, math, and Montana history. MontanaPBS’ regular primetime schedule is not affected by this change.
I asked April Wills, a second grade teacher in Bainville and a Montana History Teacher Leader, for ideas to share with elementary teachers on good resources for distance learning. Here's how she responded:
I love these sites to engage students' interest and set the tone for our learning:
These sites are easy to navigate and allow for students to access information outside of a textbook.
VisitMT allows for students to watch Montana TV, which is like going on virtual field trips to places around out state. There are also vimeo clips for Montana tribes.
I like to use these in the format of webquests. Quest Garden is a great resource for some premade webquests and a place where you can also make your own. There is no “set” way to do a webquest, in my opinion, so don’t feel locked into this example process.
A few ways to collect feedback or responses from students:
- Answer garden
- Pear deck slides
- Kahoot
- Google forms
Some other great apps to create and teach amazing virtual lessons include:
- Educreations
- Explain Everything
April is willing to Zoom with you if have questions--email me and I'll put you in touch.